• 文章翻譯,  羅馬


    其實這也不算大新聞,西班牙算是對漢尼拔戰爭的一系列古蹟很用心的,各地經常挖出一堆古物,例如前幾年Santo tome就有發現部分會戰遺跡,但因為西班牙的經濟問題,說好要蓋博物館,等到現在也沒影,總之是挖出來如果不是震驚世界的話通常是沒啥下文啦~



    2,200-year-old moat with artifacts linked to Hannibal unearthed in Spain

    Hannibal's route of invading Italy

    Spanish university students trying to retrace Hannibal’s war march through northeastern Spain have found a huge buried moat with ancient objects in it. The moat may have been meant to protect the ancient Carthaginian warrior-leader’s troops who remained in Iberia. If the moat was defense works for Hannibal’s Iberian troops, it did little good: Romans defeated them after Hannibal departed in 218 B.C.
    Hannibal left to attack the Roman Empire in Italy with as many as 90,000 infantry and 12,000 cavalry. He had with his army a famous elephant brigade of 80 or so pachyderms, most of which, scholars think, perished in the harsh mountain terrain between Spain and central Italy.



    • 此處應為誤植,當時羅馬仍是共和國。