文章翻譯,  羅馬





大西庇阿,全名普布利烏斯‧科爾涅留斯‧西庇阿‧亞非利加努斯(Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus),約出生於公元前236年,出身貴族,自20幾歲領軍後全無敗績,為陷在第二次布匿戰爭泥淖的羅馬找到新的出路,並打敗了漢尼拔,徹底改變地中海世界的勢力平衡,在羅馬史中佔了非常重要的位置。







Rome’s Craftiest General: Scipio Africanus




Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus learned the art of war in the hardest and bloodiest of all forums—on the battlefield against Hannibal. As a 17-year-old, he followed his father, Roman consul Publius Cornelius Scipio, into Northern Italy on Rome’s first engagement against the Carthaginian military genius at the Ticinus River. Though it would be the first of Rome’s many defeats at Hannibal’s hands, Scipio personally distinguished himself by charging a superior force of the Carthaginian cavalry to save his father’s life. Over the next three years Scipio probably fought at both the Battles of Trebia and Lake Trasimene, where Hannibal annihilated two more Roman armies, and was certainly present to witness Rome’s greatest defeat at Cannae, where some 60,000 Romans perished in a single day’s fighting.
普布利烏斯‧科爾涅留斯‧西庇阿‧亞非利加努斯(Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus)在所有對上漢尼拔的戰場,習得最困難和最血腥的戰爭藝術。17歲時,他跟著身為羅馬執政官的父親─普布利烏斯‧科爾涅留斯‧西庇阿(註1)前往北義大利提基努斯河(Ticinus), 這是首次羅馬與天才般的迦太基軍對戰。雖然這將是羅馬對上漢尼拔的數次慘敗中的第一戰。


  • 註1:羅馬父子同名是很常見的狀況,通常史學家為了區分,會將父親稱為老西庇阿,本篇主角為大西庇阿,大西庇阿有個聲明卓越的養孫也是同名,故稱為小西庇阿。
  • 註2:如果常常看三國演義那種動不動就幾十萬大軍的描述,可能會有點難以想像一日戰死六萬士兵的影響,由於這場戰爭羅馬傾國之力投入,這些戰死的成員包括20~30%的政府官員、三分之一的元老院成員、加上羅馬諸多中堅份子,國家菁英死去大半,可見其影響之大,在一戰爆發前,是歐洲史上單日最慘重的戰爭傷亡。

At the end of that horrific day Scipio found himself amid a body of survivors who had cut their way through the Carthaginian center and regrouped a few miles away at Canusium. Hearing that a group of young Roman patricians was planning to desert, 20-year-old Scipio burst into their meeting place. One by one, he forced the waverers, at sword-point, to swear an oath never to desert Rome. After that he exacted a second oath that they would kill anyone else attempting to forsake the empire.

Scipio had performed exactly as expected of him. Facing defeat, a Roman leader was expected neither to die gloriously with his troops nor to consider surrender. Instead, he was to reconstitute whatever forces could be salvaged from the fiasco and ready them for the next effort. There was no shame in defeat, only in giving up.

On the other side, Hannibal was being handed a lesson in Roman perseverance—one that should have been absorbed by his father during the First Punic War. Despite suffering three successive routs at Hannibal’s hands, Rome never considered surrender or a negotiated end to the Second Punic War. What’s more amazing, though Hannibal’s army continued to rampage through Italy for a dozen years and was to win several more major battles, Rome had the strategic wisdom to send many of its best legions to fight in other theaters. Roman legions’ presence in Macedonia and Sicily, for instance, ensured that Hannibal was unable to draw upon those regions for supplies or reinforcements. It was from Spain that Hannibal drew the core of his strength, so Rome concentrated its major foreign push there. If the legions could strip Spain away from Carthage, Hannibal would be cut off from the mines that financed his army and from his most reliable source of fresh troops.

Though Roman armies made steady progress in Spain for a half-dozen years after Cannae, the strategy ended abruptly  in 211 bc when, on the eve of the Battle of the Upper Baetis, Rome’s Spanish allies deserted and went over to the enemy. The now overwhelming Carthaginian force nearly wiped out the Roman army, commanded by Scipio’s father. Both his father and uncle were killed. A remnant Roman force managed to hold out on a small patch of land in northeast Spain.


At this low ebb, the Roman senate called for a replacement to command the demoralized Roman force in Spain. As it was apart from the main theater facing Hannibal, and because Rome could not afford to send the Spanish legions much in the way of reinforcements, no senior Roman generals stepped forward. Finally, the senate called an assembly of the people to elect a proconsul for the “honor.” 


  • 註:由於羅馬那時規定只有執政官可以領軍(consul),但由於漢尼拔的關係羅馬不得不開闢多個戰場,為了讓這些將軍們在其他地方能享有與執政官同樣的治軍權,羅馬人就想了一個「前執政官(proconsul)」的稱號,授予這些將軍。

As Livy relates, “They [the Roman voters] looked round at the countenances of their most eminent men…and muttered bitterly that their affairs were in so ruinous a state that no one dared take command in Spain.” Spotting a unique opportunity, Scipio declared himself a candidate, though at 24 he was not officially old enough for the post. Age notwithstanding, he was unanimously elected.

  • 註:羅馬的官職選舉有其嚴格的年齡規定和官階限制,一般說來,執政官需年滿40歲才能出來競選(在參選執政官以前還需要某些官職資歷)。雖然有些史家認為當時因為坎尼戰死人數過多導致選舉年齡下降,或是他的家族勢力促使西庇阿成為唯一的參選者,但西庇阿以24歲出面競選相當於執政官的「前執政官」,依然是驚世之舉。

Arriving in northern Spain the following year, Scipio learned of three Carthaginian armies operating in various regions, each of them larger than his own. Roman discipline and tactical ability still made it probable Scipio would defeat any single opposing force. But that could involve weeks of careful maneuvering, during which time his opponents would surely put aside their personal differences and join forces. So Scipio seized on the idea of striking at New Carthage, the main Punic base in Spain.
次年,西庇阿抵達西班牙北部,得知當地三個迦太基軍團在不同區域的作用,每個勢力都比他更強大,但羅馬軍團的紀律和戰術能力使西庇阿有可能擊敗任何反對勢力,但這需要數周的軍事演練,在此期間,他的對手一定會拋開個人分歧攜手合作。這時西庇阿興起了一個想法─奪取西班牙最重要的布匿基地─新迦太基(New Carthage ,今卡塔赫納)


Defenses at New Carthage (modern-day Cartagena) were considered so strong that only a thousand Punic mercenaries had been left to guard the city. The closest reinforcements were two weeks away. It was a plum for the picking, but only if Scipio could keep his intentions secret. As he spent the winter preparing his army, Scipio shared his plans with only one trusted subordinate, Laelius. When he launched his campaign in early spring, neither the army nor its senior commanders had any idea of his plans. By force-marching south 40 miles a day, Scipio’s 25,000 infantry and 2,500 cavalry arrived in less than a week to confront the city’s stunned defenders. Simultaneously, Laelius arrived by sea with 35 Roman war galleys to blockade the port.
新迦太基城防禦有如銅牆鐵壁,故只有一千左右的布匿傭兵留守,最近兩星期才加固過。但西庇阿對他的意圖保密,他花了整個冬天備戰,僅與一位可信下屬─雷利烏斯(Laelius )(註)分享他的想法。當西庇阿在初春發動戰爭時,無論是軍團或其高級指揮官都無人得知他的計畫。西庇阿率領25,000名步兵和2500名騎兵,每日向南行軍40英里,在不到一周的時間內抵達新迦太基,讓守城者措手不及,與此同時,雷利烏斯領著35艘羅馬戰船,封鎖了港口。

  • 註:雷利烏斯,全名蓋屋斯‧雷利烏斯(Gaius Laelius),出身平民,前半生沒有任何資料,推測可能在坎尼會戰前兩人就認識了,他一生都是西庇阿最信任的朋友,為什麼出身貴冑的西庇阿會和一個不富裕、沒有政治影響力、資歷不明的人當好友,一直都是個謎。

Just shy of the city walls, Scipio’s army stopped and began digging a fortified camp. While the Romans dug, the Carthaginians manned the walls and hastily armed 2,000 citizens as reinforcements. New Carthage was a natural strongpoint, surrounded on three sides by water, but the defenders knew they needed time to prepare. To stall, they sallied out with 2,000 men to disrupt Roman preparations. Refusing to meet the Carthaginian onrush, Scipio instead withdrew his pickets to lure the defenders closer to his camp. His intention was to isolate the Carthaginians’ best fighters far from the refuge of the city gates.

Scipio met the initial charge with his less experienced soldiers, but steadily fed in reserves to ensure there were fresh troops on the front line. Eventually, the consul sent the Triarii (battle-hardened men of the third line) into action. This proved too much for the Cartha­ginians, who broke in a rout. The Romans pursued and nearly forced the gates before they could be closed. Pressing the attack, the legionnaires began to scale the walls, but the defenders thwarted each attack. By midafternoon, Scipio ordered his exhausted troops back to camp to recoup.


  • 註1:文章在此有點混亂,根據前文,西庇阿在此時期並未真正獲執政官(consul)實質權責,不過在此還是尊重原文。
  • 註2:Triarii,後備軍,根據波立比烏斯的著作描述,共和時期羅馬軍團列陣通常分為三排,第一列大多是年輕的新兵,次一排則是經驗較多的青年軍,第三排則是身經百戰的後備軍,最後關頭才會出擊,所以羅馬人有句話說:事情發展到後備軍,就表示事情發展到非常事態。


The Carthaginians were at first elated, but as dusk arrived their joy turned to dismay when the legions advanced once again. It was time for Scipio’s masterstroke: He had learned that the ebb tide reduced water levels in the lagoon north of the city, making it fordable. As his main force began its assault, the consul sent 500 chosen men to march across the lagoon and attack an undefended section of the wall. By then, the defenders were hard-pressed to hold off the frontal assault. The chosen 500 scaled the wall unnoticed and quickly made their way to the main gate just as the legionnaires outside began smashing away at it with heavy axes. Attacked from both front and rear, the defenders panicked, and New Carthage fell.


Just one week after launching his first military campaign, Scipio had upset the balance of power in Spain. He had deprived the Carthaginians of their main supply base, captured almost 20 war galleys and now held a large part of the Carthaginian treasury. Just as important, he recovered more than 300 noble hostages the Carthaginians had taken from Spain’s most powerful tribes as a guarantee of good behavior. Despite the fact that many of these hostages had come from tribes that had betrayed his father, Scipio treated them honorably and allowed them to return home. That bit of wisdom, coupled with Scipio’s proven ability to win, brought more Spanish allies into the Roman camp. Scipio used them, but was never so foolish as to trust them.

After consolidating his position at New Carthage, Scipio led his legions against the Carthaginian army under Hannibal’s brother, Hasdrubal, winning a marginal victory at the Battle of Baecula in 208 bc. Either as a result of this battle or according to an earlier plan, Hasdrubal soon left Spain and marched his army into Italy to reinforce his brother. The Carthaginians arrived in Italy only to be destroyed by a Roman force led by the consul Nero. Hannibal learned his reinforcements had been wiped out when his brother’s head was thrown over the wall of his camp.

  • 註:怕有人誤會,此尼錄不是後來那名羅馬暴君尼錄。


Back in Spain, Scipio had only two armies to contend with, though by now they had combined forces. In 206 bc, with about 45,000 men—less than half of them well-disciplined legionnaires—Scipio marched against a Punic army nearly double that size, led by a different Hasdrubal and another of Hannibal’s brothers, Mago. The armies met near Ilipa, north of Seville. For the next few days the opponents sized each other up. For each of these demonstrations, Scipio put his best troops, his two legions and Latin allies, in the center, while his Spanish allies held the flanks. To match the Romans, the Carthaginian commanders put their best African troops in the center and their own Spanish allies on the flank.

  • 註:這段可能乍看會看不懂,因為以前打戰不是像電影演的那樣,大家一到戰場,指揮官一喊大家就向前衝,戰爭的步調沒有想像中那麼快,通常開戰前,會讓軍隊出來擺陣型,然後兩方互相考量部隊部屬等等的問題,有時候當天沒有人衝的話,時間到就鳴金收兵,然後隔天再做差不多的事,直到有人開戰。所以上述西庇阿跟迦太基人做的基本上就是早上出來擺陣型→軍隊站著發呆對看(喂)→時間到→收隊回營區吃飯→隔天再repeat


After several days of such preliminary moves, Scipio suddenly reversed his formation, putting a legion on each flank and the Spaniards in the center. Before Hasdrubal and Mago could adjust their own lines, the legions began to advance, while Scipio held his Spanish allies back. Instead of moving in the more typical line formation, Scipio advanced in columns, which allowed him to close the distance with the Carthaginians at an unheard-of speed. Then, at the last moment, the legions wheeled into line and smashed the Carthaginian flank. The Spaniards soon broke and ran for safety.

Throughout this decisive stage of the battle, Hasdrubal was unable to maneuver his center to help his flanks because Scipio’s Spanish allies still menaced his front. Their flanks ultimately routed, the usually reliable African mercenaries in the center also ran for camp. That night, Hasdrubal’s Spanish allies deserted. What was left of the Carthaginian army tried to escape in darkness during a storm, but was pummeled by Roman pursuers.

With Spain secured, Scipio returned to Rome. After a bitter political battle with jealous rivals, he secured permission to lead a Roman army into Africa and attack the base of Carthaginian power. Permission was only grudgingly granted, however, and the senate refused to allow him to recruit for the expedition, limiting his force to the two legions already in Sicily. But they couldn’t prevent Scipio from enrolling eager volunteers. According to ancient historians, they came because “to fight under so brave and gallant a captain as Scipio was an adventure all good soldiers welcomed.” That said, one suspects the promise of rich plunder was at least as much of a draw.

  • 註1:這裡跳過蠻多事情,簡單來說,西庇阿從西班牙回來後,與元老院交涉一些條件,以不符年齡的方式取得執政官參選資格,而且還給他選上了。當時羅馬對漢尼拔的政策是比較消極,但有效的避戰策略(因為當下認為贏漢尼拔是不可能的),但西庇阿本人是傾向較積極的,直逼迦太基本土的戰略,對當時保守的元老院來說,西庇阿的作為太跳痛了,加上他的年輕威脅到以制度穩固國家的共和國體制,許多元老可以說是大力反對,最後西庇阿僅取得一個附帶一堆但書的許可,所以文內才說這是個辛苦的政治鬥爭。
  • 註2:西庇阿的人氣歷久不衰,他在第二次布匿戰役結束後很長時間未掌軍權,十年後只是陪弟弟掛名出征,光是行軍過程中,在路上撿的熱情志願者將近四五千人,都可以湊一個軍團了。

By allowing him to take Legions V and VI, the senate didn’t think it was doing Scipio a service. These legions comprised survivors of Cannae. Following that rout, the defeated soldiers were sent to serve in exile—a degradation in direct contrast to the praise the senate bestowed on Cannae survivors of noble birth. These men keenly felt the stain of dishonor, and each year they petitioned the senate to allow them to return to Rome and prove their valor in battle against Hannibal. They were ignored.

Scipio understood such men and their desire for redemption. To him they were not simply the losers from Cannae. They were the men who by dint of sheer hard fighting had cut their way through an encircling army and re-formed to protect the Republic. He praised them and honored their service, and they in turn gave him utter devotion. Around this core of combat-hardened veterans Scipio spent a year training his volunteers and preparing the logistics required to support an invasion of Carthage’s home territories.

In 204 bc Scipio’s force sailed for North Africa and laid siege to the Carthaginian stronghold of Utica. The defenders held strong, their resistance buoyed by the promise of a large Carthaginian relief army. In time, Carthage did manage to assemble a large force, under the joint command of Hasdrubal and a local king, Syphax, who had previously pledged his support to Scipio. Despite overwhelming military superiority, however, Hasdrubal was reluctant to attack, perhaps recalling the drubbing he’d received at Ilipa.

Scipio took full advantage of the Carthaginian general’s indecision to suggest peace talks, an offer that was eagerly accepted. Over the next several days, Roman emissaries, accompanied by their slaves, made their way to the two enemy camps. As the emissaries negotiated, the slaves—actually Roman centurions—roved around the camp, noting its layout and defensive works. To maintain the illusion these spies were actually slaves, several of them submitted to public whippings for having wandered off without permission.

Their familiarity with the enemy camp emboldened Scipio to conduct the most dangerous of operations—a nighttime assault on a fortified enemy position. The consul was about to find out whether his faith in the disgraced legions was misplaced. They didn’t disappoint.
對敵營的熟悉使得西庇阿大膽操作一項最危險的計畫 ─夜襲敵營。執政官正替放錯地方且蒙受恥辱的軍團找回信心,而他們沒有讓人失望。

In a single night of brutality, Scipio’s army massacred upwards of 40,000 of the enemy (twice their own number) and sent the rest into flight. Incredibly, Hasdrubal managed to raise another army in only a month and marched once again to engage Scipio. But no army so hastily raised and organized was a match for battle-disciplined legions, which made short work of this new army. Faced with these twin disasters and no army left in North Africa that could oppose Scipio, Carthage was forced to recall Hannibal from Italy. For all practical purposes, Rome had won the Second Punic War. But there was still one great battle left to be fought.

At Zama, in 202 bc, Scipio and Hannibal finally met on the field of battle. Each had about 40,000 men at his disposal, but—unlike at Cannae—this time the Romans had the better mounted force, thanks to King Masinissa, who swung his superb Numidian cavalry out of the Carthaginian orbit over to the Roman side. Scipio, like Hannibal, placed this cavalry on the flanks, and each organized his infantry in three lines. But Scipio also made a major tactical change to the standard Roman formation by separating his maniples, opening wide lanes through his lines.

After some initial skirmishing, Hannibal sent his 80 war elephants forward. But this was a different Roman army than the one he had faced at Cannae—tougher and more disciplined, led by men accustomed to Hannibal’s tactics. Faced with the choice of smashing into the heavily armed legionnaires or running unimpeded through the gaps in their formations, most of the elephants took the path of least resistance and passed harmlessly through the Roman army. Others, frightened by the blasts of massed Roman trumpeters, ran down their own cavalry.


Noting the chaos, Laelius and Masinissa took the cavalry on each flank and charged the Carthaginian horsemen. These horsemen quickly retreated, with Roman and Numidian cavalry in close pursuit. As the cavalry departed, the legions crashed into the lead Carthaginian line, pressing the mercenaries hard until they turned to escape. But the second line refused to break formation, and as the Romans continued their advance, the Carthaginians began fighting each other. Ultimately, men in the second line also broke and ran for the rear, where they met a similar reception from the third line.

As the defeated first two lines skirted around the ends of Hannibal’s final line, Scipio recalled his troops to within bow shot of the Carthaginians. Before them stood Hannibal’s seasoned veterans, rested, unbowed and in numbers almost equal to his own. Scipio, rather than replace the exhausted legionnaires in his leading ranks, re-formed them into a tightly packed formation and moved the Triarii to each flank, intending to overlap the enemy line. In a testament to Roman discipline, the legions quickly negotiated these complex maneuvers in the face of an unbeaten enemy.


Given a short breather, the Romans came forward at a quickened pace, until at about 20 paces they let fly their throwing spears and drew their short swords. The advance became a rush as thousands of screaming Romans hurled themselves upon the Carthaginian line. For long minutes the issue remained in doubt, until at the peak of battle the Roman and Numidian cavalry returned to the battlefield and charged into the Carthaginian rear. With cavalry at the rear and the Triarii collapsing their flanks, Hannibal’s veterans finally did the unthinkable—they broke.

Though Hannibal himself escaped, his army was lost and Carthaginian military power broken. Rome was now the uncontested master of the Western Mediterranean. Scipio’s victories earned him tremendous popular support but also numerous enemies, envious of his popularity. 

  • 註:這篇文章完全沒有提到一個大重點,就是西庇阿在此役後,被授予亞非利加努斯(Africanus)─非洲征服者的稱號,當時他只有33歲,此篇文章的標題Scipio Africanus即出自於此處。

Though he later accompanied his brother on a war of conquest in Asia Minor, he was never again to hold real power in Rome. Under constant legal attack, he ultimately went into a bitter retirement, dying at an early age.


  • 註:法律攻擊即為著名的「西庇阿審判」,與其說是法律不如說是政治攻擊,各種記載凌亂無一定說法,但簡而言之是羅馬共和國的對外政策分為兩派,想以帝國主義將各征服地納入領土的派系,為了擊潰西庇阿的政治影響力,找了些雞麻蒜皮的小事將西庇阿的弟弟告上法庭,原本想認真辯駁的西庇阿經過幾次開庭後,發現對方的目標是自己,只好用民心對他殘餘的嚮往讓對手拿他沒轍,從此之後西庇阿就不甩開庭通知。對奉獻一生給國家的名將來說,羅馬政治讓人失望至極,於是他自行退隱(放逐)到羅馬城外的別墅,就此了卻餘生。



How Rome treated its most victorious general was not lost on such future successful commanders as Marius, Sulla and Caesar. For them the overriding lesson of Scipio’s fall from grace was that if you wanted to rule, you needed to return home with your legions.

For further reading, James Lacey recommends: Scipio Africanus: Greater Than Napoleon, by B.H. Liddell Hart.

This article by James Lacey was originally published in the July/August 2007 issue of Military History Magazine.
本文由詹姆斯•萊西發表於軍事史雜誌(Military History )2007年7月/ 8月號











在那個時代做為戰勝者,不管西庇阿對這少女做什麼都是他應有的權力,但西庇阿選擇了更寬容的選項,這段情節就是著名《西庇阿的節制(The Continence of Scipio)》以此為主題的畫作有二十來張以上,除了彰顯戰勝者的仁慈,也表彰的少女的貞潔。






















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作者: 羅伯特.歐康納Robert L. O’connell/翁嘉聲譯


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另外原文有推薦一本書是著名戰史家李德哈特的 《Scipio Africanus: Greater Than Napoleon(直譯為"西庇阿‧亞非利加努斯─偉大遠勝拿破崙"》 by B.H. Liddell Hart
這本目前未有中文版,但鹽野七生的著作關於西庇阿的部分有很多是參考此書。李德哈特年輕時是大西庇阿的超級粉絲,如果原文閱讀勉強還可以的話推薦可以看看google play上的試閱第一章,真的很難想像這世界哪裡來的這麼多詞彙來形容大西庇阿有多光輝燦爛,但李德哈特找出來了!XD(身為迷妹的我有買這本書(遮臉))

