
作者:Kristina Killgrove
Julius Caesar's Health Debate Reignited: Stroke Or Epilepsy?
“He was of spare habit, had a soft and white skin, suffered from distemper in the head, and was subject to epileptic fits, a trouble which first attacked him, we are told, in Corduba.” — Plutarch’s Life of Caesar 17.2
Famous words from the Greek historian Plutarch have offered tantalizing clues to the causes of Julius Caesar‘s ill health prior to his assassination on the Ides of March 44 BC. But Plutarch was born long after Caesar’s death, and his writing in particular has been interpreted a number of ways over the past two millennia. Caesar had migraine headaches. Or hypoglycemia. He had a tapeworm in his brain. Most commonly, he has been diagnosed with morbus comitialis, the Latin term for epilepsy.
來自希臘史家普魯塔克所述的著名片段,為凱撒在BC44年三月被弑前健康不佳的原因提供了誘人的線索。但是普魯塔克在凱撒死後出生,他獨有的描述在過去二千年出現各種眾說紛紜的解釋─凱撒可能有偏頭痛或低血糖、腦中有絛蟲。最常見的是他被診斷患有morbus comitialis,此字為拉丁術語,即癲癇。
- Tapeworm:絛蟲,一種寄生蟲,出現在腦部可能引起癲癇。
- epilepsy:癲癇,典型的癲癇癥狀之一是痙攣,常伴隨僵直性、間接性的不隨意運動,也有不伴隨痙攣的發作類型。 另外、可能出現突然喪失意識、記憶,突然昏倒,四肢抽搐,口吐白沫,大聲喊叫等癥狀,癲癇發作大多數屬於暫時性,一般數分至數十分鐘即恢復如常人。但是癲癇具有反覆發作的特點,由此引發的後遺症甚至能造成智慧障礙。
Francesco Galassi and Hutan Ashrafian have been fascinated by the ancient world since childhood. The medical doctors, who practice at Imperial College London, have proposed a new diagnosis based on their reading of the ancient sources: cardiovascular disease causing strokes. Galassi told me that they are “reconsidering the very Greco-Roman sources philologically and medically, liaising with experts in the field in Italy, the UK, and the US” to better understand Caesar’s health. “We refuse to accept a priori the diagnosis of epilepsy.”
佛朗希斯科‧加拉西(Francesco Galassi)和胡坦‧阿什拉費(Hutan Ashrafian)從小就著迷古代世界。這些在倫敦帝國學院受訓的醫生,基於古老文獻提出了新的診斷證明:心血管疾病引起中風。加拉西說他們正在「重新審視希臘羅馬的語文學和醫學來源」,並與該領域的義大利、英國和美國專家聯繫,以更瞭解凱撒的健康。 「我們拒絕接受(凱撒是)先天癲癇的診斷。」
Epilepsy in ancient Rome was well known and its symptoms often reported. Galassi therefore thinks that there should be more numerous accounts of Caesar’s epileptic episodes in historical records if he truly suffered from it. By combing through the ancient literature, Galassi and Ashrafian have come to a different interpretation of Caesar’s reported symptoms.
In a letter to the editor of Neurological Sciences published last month, Galassi and Ashrafian explain their reevaluation. “Together with the symptoms of headache, vertigo and falls as a possible result of limb paresis, gait disturbance, sensory deficit or syncopal episode can be considered in terms of cerebrovascular insults and stroke,” they write, and depression and personality changes Caesar suffered “may also be consistent with cerebrovascular disease.”
在上個月給期刊《Neurological Sciences》的編輯的信中,加拉西和阿什拉費解釋他們的推斷:「頭痛、眩暈症狀,因肢體輕癱而倒下、步態障礙、感覺障礙或暈厥發作,可被歸結是腦血管損傷和中風。」凱撒患有憂鬱症和人格改變 ,「也可能與腦血管疾病吻合。」
As doctors, Galassi and Ashrafian know that a good medical and family history is key to understanding a person’s health. Pliny the Elder mentions the sudden death of Caesar’s father and another close relative, which can easily be associated with “cardiovascular complications of stroke episode or a lethal myocardial infarction.” If Caesar’s relatives died of a heart attack, it is reasonable to question the dictator’s symptoms in light of a possible family history of cardiovascular issues. Galassi says that “we think the TIAs [transient ischemic attacks or mini strokes] started at the end of his life; likely in 46 BC or a littler earlier.”
- TIA: 是暫時性腦缺血"transient ischemic attack"的縮寫。是腦部血流暫時被阻斷,而使得腦部某部分無法取得需要的血液和氧氣。暫時性腦缺血通常又稱為小中風(mini-stroke),因為症狀與中風類似。和中風不同的是TIAs並不會對腦部造成永久性的傷害。
Barry Strauss, a Cornell University military historian whose book The Death of Caesar represents the latest research into the dictator’s life, told me that, while he finds the cardiovascular theory intriguing, he is not convinced. “Caesar’s illness is said to have begun in Cordoba, Spain,” Strauss says, referencing Plutarch, “which would suggest a specific event such as head trauma.” Traumatic head injuries can cause neurological problems, and since Caesar is reported to have recovered quickly from each episode, Strauss finds a diagnosis of epilepsy more convincing.
If Julius Caesar was suffering from mini strokes, as Galassi and Ashrafian believe, why would his problems be documented as epilepsy? It is not necessarily the case that ancient historians did not understand the disease. Rather, Galassi and Ashrafian suggest that “Caesar and his adopted son Octavius may have contributed to the diagnosis of epilepsy, as this was considered a ‘sacred disease’.” It may have made Caesar look more powerful and more divine, shoring up his public profile and ensuring his eventual deification. But Strauss counters that “it was not to Caesar’s advantage to admit that he had epilepsy because Romans considered epilepsy to be a bad omen and the Hippocratic Greek corpus denied that epilepsy was a sacred disease.”
- Hippocratic corpus: 《希波克拉底文集》希波克拉底的醫書, 涵蓋了診斷、疫病、婦產、兒科、營養及外科等。醫書作者顯然不限於希波克拉底一人,而是有眾多的作者,且寫作的時間也橫跨了幾個世紀,其中不同科之間也常彼此有矛盾之處。
In the end, Caesar’s diagnosis may not be a case of either/or. Strauss notes that in researching his book, he learned from neurologists that strokes and head trauma are both risk factors for developing epilepsy later in life. “Caesar could have had both epilepsy and transient ischemic strokes,” Strauss says. Did cardiovascular disease cause strokes that in turn caused epileptic episodes? Did Caesar suffer a blow to the head in Cordoba that resulted in epilepsy? Considering that even with modern medical technology there is no test that can confirm or rule out epilepsy, Strauss points out “we can’t be sure about a diagnosis 2,000 years after the fact.”
Reanalysis of ancient diseases is not a new phenomenon, and with staggering advances in medical technology recently, both medical doctors and archaeologists are learning more about disease in the past. Research into the lives and deaths of King Richard III or Ötzi the Iceman would not have been possible a couple decades ago. The difference between these men and Julius Caesar, though, is that their skeletons were found intact. As Caesar was cremated following his assassination, there is little hope of bioarchaeologists finding his mortal remains and poring over them for additional clues to his health. We may be debating about one of the most powerful figures in history for a long time to come.
- Ötzi the Iceman,冰人奧茨:是距今為止發現的最早並保存最完好的冰封歐洲人類木乃伊,具有相當大研究價值。
如果說凱撒是用生命對屋大維做最後的囑咐,暗示最終目的就是收歸羅馬為私有,屋大維僅憑遺囑所賜的「凱撒」一姓鞠躬盡瘁,可說是成就了這世界上最完美的接班計畫── 一個輝煌無比、直屬皇帝的千年帝國。
當時的技術要醫治好胼胝體根本不可能 辛苦凱薩了