文章翻譯,  羅馬








※此篇文章感謝Friedrich Tu協助校對

Resisting Slavery in Ancient Rome


The idea of resistance


A Roman senator named Pupius Piso once ordered his slaves not to speak unless spoken to. He had no time for idle talk. He also arranged an elegant dinner-party at which the guest of honour was to be a dignitary named Clodius

一位名為普比烏斯‧皮索(Pupius Piso)的羅馬元老命令他的奴隸:「除非主人開口,否則不准說話。他可沒有時間浪費在無意義的談話。」皮索同時安排一場優雅晚宴,招待名為克洛迪烏斯(Clodius)的高官。

At the appropriate time all the guests arrived except Clodius. So Piso sent the slave responsible for having invited the guest of honour to see where he was – several times – but still Clodius did not appear. In despair Piso finally questioned the slave: ‘Did you send Clodius an invitation?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘So why hasn’t he come?’ ‘Because he declined’. ‘Then why didn’t you tell me earlier? ‘Because you didn’t ask.’

到了開宴時間,除了克洛迪烏斯外的客人都到齊了。皮索派盡責的奴隸去邀請那尊貴的賓客數次,但克洛迪烏斯依然沒出現。最後皮索絕望地質問奴隸:「你有去邀請克洛迪烏斯嗎? 」「是的。」「那麼他為何不來?」「因為他拒絕了。 」「那你為什麼不早點告訴我!?」 「因為你沒問。」。

This anecdote was recorded, about AD 100, by the Greek moralist Plutarch. It is a story that presupposes a constant tension between slave and master in the ancient Roman world, and is a striking illustration of how a lowly Roman slave could outwit his superior master.


  • 註:普魯塔克:羅馬作家,最有名的作品是《希臘羅馬名人列傳》

Technically Roman slaves were the property, the chattels, of their owners, held in a state of total subjection. But to outwit an owner as Piso’s slave did was to win a victory in the game of psychological warfare that always existed between master and slave.


For unlike other forms of property, slaves were human beings with minds of their own, and they didn’t always their owners as unthinkingly as they were supposed to. They had the capacity to resist the absolute authority their owners formally exercised, and when Piso’s slave crushingly embarrassed his master by obeying his instructions to the letter, for a moment (at least) he placed Piso in the inferior position that he normally occupied himself.

He found, in other words, a way to assert himself, to exert power against the powerful, so that the asymmetrical roles of master and slave were suddenly inverted.



The realities of slavery


In Plutarch’s day Rome had been the predominant political power in the ancient Mediterranean world for roughly 500 years, and was to remain so for three centuries more. Throughout this span of time Rome was a slave-owning society, acquiring its slaves through its wars of conquest and through trade beyond the borders of its empire.


In Rome and Italy, in the four centuries between 200 BC and 200 AD, perhaps a quarter or even a third of the population was made up of slaves. Over time millions of men, women, and children lived their lives in a state of legal and social non-existence with no rights of any kind. They were non-persons – notice that in Plutarch’s story the slave does not even have a name – and they couldn’t own anything, marry, or have legitimate families.

從公元前200年到和公元200年四個世紀間,在羅馬和義大利大約有四分之一或三分之一的人口是由奴隸所構成。這段期間數以百萬的男人、女人和孩子們過著不具有任何法律和社會權利的生活,他們”非人” ─請注意普魯塔克的故事裡,奴隸沒有名字 – 他們不能擁有任何東西,例如結婚,或有合法的家庭。

  • 註:羅馬公民的權利由三部分組成:自由,家庭權力,公民權利。

Their role was to provide labour, or to add to their owners’ social standing as visible symbols of wealth, or both. Some slaves were treated well, but there were few restraints on their owners’ powers, and physical punishment and sexual abuse were common. Owners thought of their slaves as enemies. By definition slavery was a brutal, violent and dehumanising institution, where slaves were seen as akin to animals.


Few records have survived from Roman slaves to allow modern historians to deduce from them a slave’s perception of his or her life of servitude. Rome produced no slaves-turned-abolitionist such as the African-Americans Frederick Douglass or Harriet Jacobs.


Instead the evidence available comes overwhelmingly from people such as Plutarch, who represented the slave-owning classes. But that evidence does show that Roman slaves managed to demonstrate their opposition to slavery in various ways.


Slave rebellions


The most obvious way was through open rebellion. In 73-71 BC the gladiator Spartacus famously led an uprising of thousands of slaves in central Italy, formed an army that defeated several Roman legions, and at one point threatened Rome itself.

Earlier there had been similar large-scale rebellions on the island of Sicily. But open rebellion was also the most dangerous form of resistance, because the stakes were enormously high. The greater the size of the rebellion, the greater the likelihood was of betrayal from within, and the greater the threat was of serious retaliation, re-enslavement or death.


Spartacus himself died in battle, and thousands of his captured followers were crucified. The slave rebels in Sicily were likewise thoroughly suppressed. It isn’t surprising that they had no successors, or that their rebellions achieved nothing of lasting value for Roman slaves.


Still, the Romans always feared another Spartacus. The philosopher Seneca tells of a proposal that was once made in the Roman senate requiring slaves to wear distinctive clothing so that they could be easily recognised. But once the senators realised that the slaves might then become conscious of their strength, and make common cause against their masters, they abandoned the idea.


Alternatives to rebellion


Those who fought against Rome knew that they could be sent to the slave-market if taken as a prisoner-of-war. They are often said to have killed themselves rather than face the prospect of enslavement – a clear indictment of the horrors involved in the sudden transition from freedom to slavery. Images of the vanquished committing suicide are still visible on the Column of Trajan in Rome.


At other times, slaves who were unable to tolerate their conditions assaulted their owners. In the mid-first century AD an anonymous slave murdered his master, a high official in the imperial administration, either because the master had reneged on a promise to set the slave free or because the two were rivals in a sexual intrigue.

有時候不能忍受自身境況的奴隸會攻擊奴隸主。公元一世紀中,一位無名奴隸謀殺了身為政府高級官員的奴隸主, 可能是因為奴隸主違背了要讓這名奴隸自由的允諾,或是這兩人有情感上的糾葛。

The aftermath was disastrous. Roman law required a man’s slaves to come to his aid if he were attacked, under penalty of death. The law was enforced against those slaves who had not come to the victim’s aid in this case, and all the slaves in the household – allegedly 400 of them – were executed, even though most of them could not possibly have known anything about the murder.


There were other ways to alleviate the burdens of slavery. One was to try to escape, either to return to an original homeland or simply to find safe refuge somewhere. Romans labelled runaway slaves ‘fugitives’, and as the greatest modern historian of ancient slavery, Moses Finley, has remarked, ‘fugitive slaves are almost an obsession in the sources’. This suggests that the incidence of running away was always high.


To deal with the problem, the Romans hired professional slave-catchers to hunt down runaways, and posted advertisements in public places giving precise descriptions of fugitives and offering rewards for their capture. Around the necks of slaves who were recovered they also attached iron collars, giving instructions on what to do with the slaves who wore them if they happened to escape again. Examples can still be seen in museums.


There is no way of knowing how many Roman slaves successfully escaped slavery by running away. But it was possible. And it helped that skin colour was no impediment.


  • 註:原作者應該是說美國南北戰爭的黑奴逃跑很容易因為膚色被發現。

The great orator Cicero can be heard grumbling in his correspondence about a slave named Dionysius, who was well-educated enough to have supervised Cicero’s personal library and who must have been relatively well-treated. He ran away anyway. Cicero used all his considerable influence to find the man, but to no avail: Dionysius slipped away across the Adriatic and is last heard of well out of Cicero’s reach – somewhere in the Balkans.



Day-to day resistance


Running away was less dangerous than rebellion, but it was still a hazardous enterprise. Slave-catchers apart, Roman law forbade the harbouring of fugitives, so slaves on the run were always in danger and if caught could be savagely punished. To many therefore it must have made sense not to risk life and limb by running away, but to carry out acts of wilful obstruction or sabotage that harmed slave-owners’ interests at minimal risk to themselves.


Slaves, for example, might steal food or other supplies from the household. Those in positions of responsibility might falsify record books, and embezzle money from their owners, or arrange for their own manumission (setting free). Ordinary farm labourers might deliberately go slow on the job, or injure the animals they worked with to avoid work – or they might pretend to be ill, destroy equipment, or damage buildings. If your job was to make wine and you had to produce a certain quota, why not add in some sea-water to help things along? Almost any slave could play truant or simply waste time.


All these petty forms of day-to-day resistance appealed to Roman slaves. They allowed slaves to frustrate and annoy their owners, and offered the satisfaction of knowing that their owners’ powers were not absolute – that even the most humble of human beings could take action to empower themselves.


Owners complained that their slaves were lazy and troublesome – instead of working they were always pilfering food or clothing or valuables (even the silverware), setting fire to property (villas included), or wandering around the city’s art galleries and public entertainments.


But it was in the decisions they made to cause vexation that slaves most forcefully expressed their humanity, and their opposition to the institution that oppressed them. Their sporadic acts of defiance created a permanent undercurrent of low-level resistance to slavery that was deeply embedded in Roman society.


The slaves were motivated not by a sense of class solidarity – Rome’s slave population was far too heterogeneous for that – but by the desire to find ways in which, as individuals, they could find relief from their subject status, if only temporarily.


The relationship between slaves and masters at Rome was a contest fought in the arena of the mind. Masters could draw on all the weapons of law, status and established authority – there was never in Roman history any movement to abolish slavery – whereas slaves had little more to fight with than their wits.

But as Plutarch’s story symbolically shows, the lines of battle had to be constantly redrawn, as slaves matched their will against the will of those who owned them. And it was not always the masters who won.




Slavery in the Roman Empre by RH Barrow (Barnes & Noble, 1998)
Suetonius’ Life of Nero: An Historical Commentary edited by KR Bradley (Collection Latomus, Brussels, 1978)
Slaves and Masters in the Roman Empire: A Study in Social Control by KR Bradley (Oxford University Press, 1987)
Slavery and Rebellion in the Roman World, 140 BC – 70 BC by KR Bradley (Batsford, 1989; reprint 1998)
Ancient Slavery and Modern Ideology by MI Finley (Chatto and Windus, 1980)
Slavery and Society at Rome by KR Bradley (Cambridge University Press, 1994; Spanish translation 1998)
Suetonius edited and translated by JC Rolfe; revised edition with a new introduction by KR Bradley (Harvard University Press, 1998)
Conquerors and Slaves by K Hopkins (Cambridge, 1978)
Spartacus and the Slave Wars by BD Shaw (Boston, 2001)



Keith Bradley is the Eli J Shaheen Professor of Classics, Concurrent Professor of History, and Chair of the Department of Classics at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana. His special interests are in Roman social and cultural history, particularly the history of slavery and of the family.



《De re rustica》《論農業》M.T.瓦羅/大陸商務

《De Agricultura》《農業志》加圖/大陸商務

《Vitae parallelae》《希臘羅馬名人傳》普魯塔克/聯經出版,有收錄一些加圖對待奴隸的方式。

《De Vita Beata》《麵包裡的幸福人生》塞涅卡/中國宇航出版社,此書有提到對奴隸的看法(塞涅卡認為人是平等的)。



維狄烏斯‧波利奧(Vedius Pollio)曾邀請奧古斯都來作客,席間波利奧的奴隸不慎打破了水晶琉璃酒杯,波利奧大怒嚷著要把他丟進魚池被七鰓魚吃掉,害怕的奴隸求生不得,只好跪在奧古斯都面前乞求活路。





