文章翻譯,  羅馬


其實這也不算大新聞,西班牙算是對漢尼拔戰爭的一系列古蹟很用心的,各地經常挖出一堆古物,例如前幾年Santo tome就有發現部分會戰遺跡,但因為西班牙的經濟問題,說好要蓋博物館,等到現在也沒影,總之是挖出來如果不是震驚世界的話通常是沒啥下文啦~



2,200-year-old moat with artifacts linked to Hannibal unearthed in Spain

Hannibal's route of invading Italy

Spanish university students trying to retrace Hannibal’s war march through northeastern Spain have found a huge buried moat with ancient objects in it. The moat may have been meant to protect the ancient Carthaginian warrior-leader’s troops who remained in Iberia. If the moat was defense works for Hannibal’s Iberian troops, it did little good: Romans defeated them after Hannibal departed in 218 B.C.
Hannibal left to attack the Roman Empire in Italy with as many as 90,000 infantry and 12,000 cavalry. He had with his army a famous elephant brigade of 80 or so pachyderms, most of which, scholars think, perished in the harsh mountain terrain between Spain and central Italy.



  • 此處應為誤植,當時羅馬仍是共和國。


Hannibal's route of invading Italy

Hannibal, who many years later committed suicide because the Romans finally caught up to him, left 11,000 troops near the town of Vilar de Valls to defend Carthaginian interested in Iberia.

在多年後因羅馬追捕而自殺的漢尼拔,在名為Vilar de Valls的城市附近留下11000人的軍團,保衛在伊比利亞的迦太基相關人士。

The moat measured up to 131 feet (40 meters) across, 16.4 feet (5 meters) deep and extended three-tenths of a mile (.5 kilometer).


The moat’s size surprised the directors of the dig, Jordi López of the Catalan Institute of Classic Archeology and Jaume Noguera of the Prehistory department at the University of Barcelona.


Archaeology students discovered the 2,200-year-old moat in what is now the Catalan town of Valls using electrical resistivity tomography to analyze subsurface structures. The objects showed presence of Hannibal in the area, said a story in TheLocal.es. Among the objects found were coins and lead projectiles.
Ancient coin showing Hannibal Barca. Students found coins and other objects in the ancient moat.

考古系的學生在加泰隆尼亞地區的Valls發現這個2200年的護城河,利用「地電阻影像剖面法」(electrical resistivity tomography)去分析地下結構。文物中發現了硬幣和彈丸,展現了漢尼拔此地的足跡。

Ancient coin showing Hannibal Barca. Students found coins and other objects in the ancient moat. (Wikimedia Commons)

Ancient coin showing Hannibal Barca. Students found coins and other objects in the ancient moat.

"Roman legionnaires, led by general Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Calvus, defeated Hannibal’s men in Iberia. After the battle, the Romans raided a nearby Carthaginian camp, located on the edge of a town, and destroyed everything," the story said. That town, scholars think, was Vilar de Valls, at the present-day town of Valls.
"Noguera and López said the site may have been destroyed by the Romans during the Second Punic War (218-202 BC) that pitted Rome against Carthage for the hegemony of the Mediterranean."

羅馬軍團由蓋烏斯‧西庇阿(Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Calvus)(註)領導,在伊比利亞被漢尼拔的人所敗,在此戰役之後,羅馬人突襲了在迦太基基地附近的城鎮,並摧毀一切。這個城鎮學者認為就是Vilar de Valls,即現今的Valls。
Noguera 和 López表示此處可能在第二次布匿戰爭(218-202 BC)羅馬和迦太基的地中海爭霸中被羅馬人所摧毀。

  • (註) 蓋烏斯‧西庇阿(Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Calvus),老西庇阿的弟弟,日後打敗漢尼拔的大西庇阿的叔叔。這段奇怪的地方是當時領軍的是西庇阿兄弟倆人,但不知為何此處只有提到弟弟。

Hannibal’s father, Hamilcar Barca, the ruler of the North African city-state of Carthage, had his son at age 9 immerse his hand in blood and swear hatred against Rome. He brought his son at age 10 to Spain about 237 B.C., Hamilcar’s son-in-law succeeded him and made Hannibal an officer. When the son-in-law was assassinated, Hannibal was voted to lead the army. He consolidated control around Cartagena, Spain.

漢尼拔的父親,漢米爾‧巴卡,北非迦太基城邦的統治者(註),在他兒子9歲時將他的手浸入鮮血中,並令他充滿仇恨地發誓要(永遠)對抗羅馬。在西元前237 年漢米爾帶著10歲的兒子前往西班牙,漢米爾的女婿繼承他的事業,並讓漢尼拔成為軍官,當這位女婿被暗殺,漢尼拔便被推舉為軍隊領袖,鞏固了迦太基在西班牙的控制。

  • 迦太基不是王政制度是共和制,故漢米爾‧巴卡並非統治者,而是迦太基一著名貴族,因為第一次布匿戰爭的失敗被國內貴族鬥爭,故前往西班牙另闢新天地。

Hannibal attacked and besieged the Roman-allied city of Saguntum in 219 because its people had engaged in hostilities against Carthaginians in the area. Rome took this as an act of war and demanded Hannibal surrender. He refused and plotted the Second Punic War.


Hannibal and his men crossing the Alps. Phaidon Verlag, 1932

History.com tells of Hannibal’s attack on Rome in 219:
The march that followed–which covered some 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) through the Pyrenees, across the Rhone River and the snowcapped Alps, and finally into central Italy–would be remembered as one of the most famous campaigns in history. With his forces depleted by the harsh Alpine crossing, Hannibal met the powerful army of the Roman general Publius Cornelius Scipio on the plains west of the Ticino River. Hannibal’s cavalry prevailed, and Scipio was seriously wounded in the battle.

漢尼拔以經歷嚴酷的阿爾卑斯山而元氣大傷的軍團,在提契诺河西邊的平原應戰由老西庇阿(Publius Cornelius Scipio)(註)帶領的強悍羅馬軍,此戰漢尼拔的騎兵站了上風,而老西庇阿在此戰負傷。

  • Publius Cornelius Scipio,老西庇阿,是前述蓋烏斯‧西庇阿的哥哥,大西庇阿的父親。

In late 218, Hannibal and the Carthaginians defeated a Roman army on the left bank of the Trebia River. The Gauls and Ligurians became his allies in light of this. He advanced to the River Arno by spring 217 and won a battle at Lake Trasimene but declined to attack the city of Rome itself.

西元前218年底,漢尼拔和迦太基人在特雷比亞(Trebia River)岸擊敗羅馬軍,在此大好情勢下,高盧和利古理亞人成了他的同盟。他在西元前217年春度過亞諾河,並在特拉希美湖(Trasimene)大勝,卻拒絕直接進攻羅馬城。

But the Romans and Carthaginians met the following year at Cannae. Sixteen Roman legions, at nearly 80,000 men twice the number of Hannibal’s forces, met the Carthaginians. Roman general Varro put his cavalry on either wing and massed his infantry in the center in classic military formation.


"Hannibal maintained a relatively weak center but strong infantry and cavalry forces at the flanks. When the Romans advanced, the Carthaginians were able to hold their center and win the struggle at the sides, enveloping the enemy and cutting off the possibility of retreat by sending a cavalry charge across the rear," History.com says.

A marble bust, reputedly of Hannibal. Capua, Italy

More Roman colonies and allies defected to the Carthaginian side after this, but the Romans began to have some success, regaining ground by 209 in southern Italy and repelling Carthaginian reinforcements in 208 in northern Italy.

更多的羅馬殖民地和盟友在此役後投靠迦太基方,但羅馬人開始有了些成果,西元前209 年贏回義大利南部的土地,並在西元前208 年於義大利北部擊退迦太基增援。

The Romans drove the Carthaginians out of Spain and attacked Carthage itself in 203. Hannibal returned to North Africa to defend, but the Romans and Numidians defeated the Carthaginians at Zama. The Romans lost 1,500 men; Carthage, 20,000.

羅馬人驅逐迦太基人在西班牙的勢力後,在西元前203年攻擊迦太基本土,漢尼拔被迫回到北非防守,但羅馬和努米迪亞人在扎馬會戰(Zama)擊敗迦太基。羅馬損失1,500人; 迦太基則是20,000人。

Carthage lost its overseas empire, but Hannibal retained some power. Later the Romans learned he encouraged the Syrians to make war on Rome. Rome demanded his surrender. Hannibal then went to Bythinia, where he served the king in making war on a Roman ally, King Eumenes II of Pergamum. This war was unsuccessful. The Romans again asked for Hannibal, who was unable to escape this time. He killed himself with poison about 183 B.C.





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作者: 羅伯特.歐康納Robert L. O’connell/翁嘉聲譯


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